Understand that your rearing system also makes a difference. Wow everyone seems to feed their hens so much. In budgeting for feeding,a bag cost about N2,200 today and bags could feed 1000 birds per day. if (event.target == modal) { var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); Note 25kg of layer =3150, half will be #1575 per day Profit per day will be =#1,785-#1575=#210. The larger your flock, the greater demand your farm will have for food. Hi Julia, Thanks for the question. $(window).load(function () { controlNav: "thumbnails" Benchmarking Kadaknath Egg Quality: Shell, Weight, Shape & Composition, How To Calculate Commercial Layers Egg Production: The Guide, Layer Hen Feed Consumption: Inc. For example, feed for layers should have at least 18 percent crude protein. If Leonard buys 15 kg bags of broiler feed, his requirement will be: = 18 bags of broiler feed for 50 broilers to achieve market weight in 7 weeks. What’s a ‘Normal’ Broiler Farming Mortality Rate? Broilers do require a different diet than a layer or even a dual purpose bird. Any problems or queries, simply “Ask A Question”. Looking forward to response” ~ Julia . I did clean under the roosts about once a week. Per week Laying pellet $18 for 50lbs. var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString(); Thy should express what is called uniformity, but it’s not guaranteed. } I buy 20KG of mixed corn every month or two. March 27, 2020. etc. animation: "slide", Again, if John bought 25 kg bags of layer feed…, = 196 bags (rounded up the nearest whole number), Thus if 196 bags will go for 100 bags, then roughly 1960 bags will go for 1000 layers for the above stated time period. [poultry feed] costs have risen by 20% putting many small scale producers out of business. You need to automate as many tasks as possible . A smaller body means less feed needed daily. The overall size of your farm dictates the magnitude of the feed demand. Helping agribusiness enthusiasts worldwide get access to reliable expert advice - affordably. With pen and paper ready, we ask the question: The following is a step by step approach to simply calculating your feed requirement (as a number of bags) either for a layer or broiler poultry farm. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Agriculture / How Many Bags Of Feed Is Needed In Rearing Layers To Maturity (5887 Views) How Many Bag Of Feed Do I Need In Rearing 50 Broilers From A Day Old To 6 Weeks / How Many Bags Of Feed Does It Take To Feed 500 Broilers Everyday / How Many Bags Of Feed Do U Need To Raise 300 Broiler To 7 Weeks On the other hand, egg layers like Rhode Island Reds, tend to have a slightly smaller build. I give my dozen hens a few handfulls of mixed corn in the morning, sometimes a hand full of layers pellets but I only get this in 2KG bags every now and them. I have 2 1/2 week old chicks on starter feed – they are feathering out now. This question is an important part of building up the preparation you need in order to calculate poultry farming profit. But how many bags of broiler feed would Leonard need to bring his first batch of 50 broilers to being market ready? Johns quotes from the PDF document the estimated total amount of feed consumed by a commercial layer bird to be: If John achieves his goal of buying 100 layers, his feed requirement will therefore be: Depending on the size of feed bags John intends to buy, naturally his number of bags required will vary accordingly: He would require the following number of bags to feed his layers for the 72 week period: = 327 bags (rounded up the nearest whole number), …….. Your email address will not be published. How many bags of feed for 50 broilers in Zambia? } Automating watering system modal.style.display = "block"; How Many Bags Of Feed Do I Need For Poultry Farm? He would require the following number of bags to feed his layers for the 72 week period: = 4,894 kg / 15 kg = 327 bags (rounded up the nearest whole number) Required fields are marked *. If John achieves his goal of buying 100 layers, his feed requirement will therefore be: 100 x 48,944 g = 4,894,400 g. or. The wire mesh can be painted to increase durability. window.onclick = function(event) { var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0]; // Can also be used with $(document).ready() var modal = document.getElementById("alertModal"); Again, if John bought 25 kg bags of layer feed…, = 196 bags (rounded up the nearest whole number). function getCookie(cname) { Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. …to get accurate figures you can rely on, you’ll have to tally up the feed requirement of each batch based on batch size & age. Costs. “What is the proper way to feed broiler chicks to maturity? Poultry feed is typically regarded worldwide as the no.1 most influential factor affecting poultry prices. 4,894 kg. c = c.substring(1);