During fall and early winter, fungus may produce mushroom-like fruiting bodies at the soil line around the trunk. My grape vines look the same, as do most people i know. Look at it real good or take it a near by College if you are in an ag area. In the early summer, SLF nymphs are small and can be difficult to see. Plant may die quickly or may show a slow decline with wilting leaves, and/or small dark green leaves. Leaf damage is easily observed (Scarlett et al. Mine were full of flowers, then fruit but its all dropped off. Ozone, for example, may cause oxidant stipple on the upper sides of leaves of susceptible grape varieties if atmospheric levels are elevated in the region surrounding a vineyard. 2011) and scorched leaves alone are not usually fatal. In particular, look for the invasive plant tree-of-heaven and other plants listed in table above. I had to spray my tomatos and cut the back like mad several times so they wouldnt die. This fungi vine disease can destroy grapes and vine vegetation. Disease progresses by root contact with infected plants. I'd prune it. A white moldy cover is also found on the shoots and the inflorescences. Most likely your problem is the same, its been very wet and humid this season and many things are getting attacked by fungi. Richard. Plants exposed to other chemical formulas may survive if you give them superior care for the next year. Less flammable mulches may create fewer problems. It may also help to water the plant thoroughly to dilute the chemicals. When there are whole brown leaves on a plant, this can indicate several dozen problems; but when just the sides or tips of the leaf turn brown, there is only one problem — the plant is stressed. Between mid-May and late autumn, the aerial parts of the plant can become infected, particularly when the temperature is below 65°F. Wish I had better news. If left untreated, the plant will eventually die. If there is clearly healthy leaf and cane I would prune the vine back to healthy cane and burn/get rid of the pruned bits. Nymphs tend to feed on softer tissue (at the tops of trees/herbaceous plants) and are often found on the undersides of leaves. Flammable under-vine materials, such as straw and hay, exacerbate the heat around the vines and total kill of vines has been observed. Black fungus strands that look somewhat like roots, may be formed on the outside of the roots. The symptoms are oil spots and a moldy cover or bright green spots found on the leaves. Most commonly brown leaf tips or brown edges on leaves are caused by the plant not getting enough water. Hydrogen fluoride also has caused leaf burn or necrosis in vineyards adjacent to industrial facilities where such atmospheric pollutants are produced. The variety sultana and some table grape varieties are highly susceptible to attack. ... serious crop losses in the past are a grim reminder that growers should look out for the disease and maintain control in seasons with wet springs. Plants accidentally exposed should have affected leaves pruned off to prevent the spread of the herbicide deep into the plant. There are several reasons why this may happen.