7.1 B.A. Program Goals Relevant Courses; B.A. Free Day Day 9. Another benefit to drama activities has to do with comprehension, or gaining an understanding of a text. Herbart, the great educator of nineteenth century says, the whole work of education may be … Students in the acting option will be able to meet the following objectives: Students in the Design option will be able to meet the following objectives:2.6 Understand stage mechanics and safe operation of equipment and rigging systems. 2.16 Devise a plan of action and implement a rehearsal process with student actors. 6.1 Appreciate diverse theatrical cultures and non-traditional approaches to the art. They learn fundamentals of mathematics when counting beats in a song. To explore the diversity of theatre and its intersection with community, culture and society. 8.1 Dance Majors will compose and deliver effective, audience-appropriate oral presentations that develop and support a point; or lead or participate in collaborative discussion of a questions or a text. 3. Students in Dance will expand their knowledge and understanding of dance as an art form throughout history. 4. 4. “A huge gap opens up once you leave primary education,” she says. Goals of IDEA Research. Drama helps the teachers to elicit target content and attract 2.14 Have experience in adaptation and the use of non-traditional, experimental and/or avant-garde techniques. 2. 1.1 Students will learn to deliver audience-appropriate theatrical presentations. 5.2 Understand and apply stage management skills that will enhance personal organization, leadership, and responsibility in a production. To engage productivity in the collaborative process. 2.3 Students will learn the anatomy of the body and how the body works most efficiently, with less chance of injury. Drama-based pedagogy: Activating learning across the curriculum by Kathryn Dawson and Bridget Kiger Lee, Bristol, Intellect, 2018, 356 pp., (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-78320-739-8 Eva Göksel 2.2 Develop vocal, physical and imaginative skills to express a broad spectrum of dramatic material. 7. Students in Drama and Theatre Arts will acquire and develop various fundamental performance and production skills sufficient to prepare them for employment or graduate study in the theatre 1.1 Students will learn to deliver … entertainment for students while achieving the teaching goals. 7.2 Students interested primarily in teaching will have the opportunity to become certified to teach in the New York State Public Schools as the culmination of the B.S. 6.3 Students will be able to critically and aesthetically analyze choreographed works. The teacher was positioned as an expe… 5.1 Understand and apply the responsibilities of theatrical production personnel in the run of a production. 1.2 Students will have the option to study additional dance forms, including African dance, jazz dance, tap dance, and other forms. 6.3 Drama students will work to create a supportive and respectful atmosphere for one another in all learning and working environments. Students will be able to meet the following objectives:4.1 Analyze a play from a design perspective, opening the students imagine to “seeing” an environment that expresses the theme and spirit of the play. A Model Drama/Theatre Curriculum: Philosophy, Goals and Objectives Abstract: Representatives of the Secondary School Theatre Association and the University and College Theatre Association met together for a Wingspread Conference on Theatre in Education hosted by the Johnson Foundation in Racine, Wisconsin, on January 20-22, 1983. 4.2 Drama and Theatre Arts students pursuing performance will gain proficiency in performance in various styles and venues. The global goals of our curriculum that guide our students and faculty are the following: Goal 1: Students will develop basic skills/training in the theatre arts. There is a tendency among reformers to view job preparation as the primary goal of education, ignoring the vital role it plays in promoting democracy and developing well-rounded individuals. Hofstra University is an EO/AA/ADA educator and employer. Students in Drama and Theatre Arts will learn the importance of responsibility to their community. 2. Goal Setting is one of the 10 High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) that emerged from thousands of studies around the world into teaching methodology. 4.3 Analyze a play from a directorial perspective, paying particular attention to paying particular attention to given circumstances, environmental facts, character analysis, spine & scoring. Both wereattempting to counter the more prevalent approach that views educationprimarily as instruction, a way to transfer outside knowledge into thestudent. Whole day cultural trip (optional at additional cost) Day 8. Children quickly realise that to get the best out of sessions, cooperation is a much-needed skill! 6.2 Understand and practice discipline and commitment to a project and respect the ideas fellow artists present in the production process. Drama Education doesn’t just boost the students’ confidence, it develops their communication skills, and makes them stronger people, but it also improves their academic performances. 5. 4.2 Analyze a play from a performance perspective, including dramatic structure, character analysis, language investigation, and integrate it within the rehearsal and performance process. in both written and oral communication forms. 6. The acquisition of knowledge in school is only one goal of education. 3.2 Understand historical design styles and how dramatic styles influenced production design. 1.1 Work in collaborative/artistic ensembles; specifically enhancing skills of listening/respect towards others. Students will be able to meet the following objectives: Goal 2: Students will develop specialized skills/training in the theatre arts. OBJECTIVES: 1. 6.2 Students will be able to richly describe dance that they see. Those of us who work in Drama with and for Young People know instinctively that it is important, 8. 1. The national goals of improved quality and access to education, and greater equity require that all Grades 7 – 9 students should have access to the same curriculum content. Another primary goal of education should be enabling students to gain moral values. in Education - Dance Education Program. 2.2 Students will enrich the quality of their dancing through somatic practices. 2.3 Review, analyze and give constructive criticism on performance. 2.1 Perform a broad spectrum of dramatic material both improvised and scripted, ranging from Realism to non-Realism, classical to contemporary. Either way, it’s easy to get tossed into the whirlwind that is the beginning of the school year: deciding on plays, setting up procedures, and writing curriculum for multiple classes. 5.3 Understand fire and safety regulations and the safe operation of back stage shifting of properties, lighting and scenery. They learn how to take turns, have an opportunity to exercise manners, and learn how to communicate and interact effectively with one another. Speech and Drama N.I only employ fully qualified Speech and Drama Teachers and also provide opportunities for teaching practice for Student Teachers. //