The barbell skull crusher is a classic mass-building movement for the triceps. Keep your abs braced, your chest tall and your shoulders pulled back at all times. This is a unique machine exercise that’s widely available in gyms. To activate all muscle fibers of both the anterior and posterior, curl your wrist up and outward at the end of the squeeze. This movement can also be performed with the knees bent to make it a bit easier. To perform the movement, a loaded barbell is grasped with an underhand grip and curled up toward the face while keeping the upper arms parallel to the torso. Being able to grip and control weights through a … The leg extension is the gold standard for quad isolation exercises, as there’s minimal involvement of any other muscle groups. This is a commonly done exercise among powerlifters because of how well it translates over to other exercises in competitive weightlifting. To perform this exercise, you’ll face backward on an incline bench with your arms hanging down over top with a dumbbell in each hand. The cable lateral raise — like other cable movements — provides a steady resistance curve throughout the movement. It’s an excellent exercise for targeting the posterior muscles, including the lower back. To perform this movement, set up a flat bench and load a barbell or EZ curl bar with your working weight. The pectoralis major is split into two parts called the clavicular head, which is the upper chest, and the sternocostal head, which is the lower portion of the chest. To perform this exercise, grasp an appropriate dumbbell in one hand, placing the other hand and one knee on a flat bench. The hamstrings are another major muscle group located on the backside of your legs. Wrist rolling can be done by rolling your wrists toward from your body or away, both directions will work all muscles of the forearm just with different muscles being emphasized. If you're not doing any direct forearm training then this likely is the only grip training that you're doing. The standing shoulder press is a classic movement for building shoulder mass, particularly for the front delts. A thrusting motion is then performed to contract the glutes for the desired amount of reps. Before listing the best isolation exercises for forearms, understanding their basic anatomy is important. Most machines utilize a weighted pad that’s placed against your lower shin and pushed against to activate the quads. What’s unique about the back is that it’s best trained from different angles to maximize muscle gains. Here are five exercises that'll help you forge an iron grip and killer forearms. To create a balanced training program, it’s best to incorporate a variety of exercises for each muscle group, including a mix of compound and isolation movements. The decline situp is performed on a decline bench, taking the traditional situp and making it much more challenging for maximal ab isolation. The leg press serves as a great alternative to squats — not only for those just beginning their training journey but also advanced trainees. The lat pulldown is another bread-and-butter back movement. The last exercise is standing wrist curls. The hack squat is essentially the opposite of the leg press. The incline dumbbell row is another alternative to the chest supported row machine. The arms comprise a few major muscle groups, including the biceps and the triceps, which make up the musculature of the upper arm, as well as several smaller muscles that make up the forearm. The glutes, which are scientifically referred to as the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius, make up a large part of your posterior leg musculature. The dumbbell lateral raise is one of the more popular exercise selections when looking to hit the side delts. These muscles serve to flex the leg at the knee joint and also assist in extending the hips. The movement is started by lying down with your feet flat and perpendicular to the floor. Some may naturally have larger backs while other may have superior calf genetics. If you have access to a pull-up bar one of the best all-time exercises for forearms as well as overall grip strength is the dead hang.