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� όT?δ{ώώ/ψ¨Θ. Students need to give real world examples of what they could be used … 6. ������'�pq2����;,.��>��%�#�C��������ÿwa���;@a"�ؒU ���6�,[gW=�שw\���pg
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In the same way, Clay is washed, crushed, and dried in storage basins. {ώ�?β―Λ�� †ηOψ«ςηΏαΉΣώ*όΉοψnt� �Ώ. 6 Average of 10 Numbers – iteration with a for loop 1 input x print avg sum = x + sum avg = sum / 10.0 i 1 10 1 i sum = 0 Begin sum = 0 for i = 1 to 10 input x {ώ�?β―Λ�� †ηOψ«ςηΏαΉΣώ*όΉοψnt� �Ώ. {ώ�?β―Λ�� †ηOψ«ςηΏαΉΣώ*όΉοψnt� �Ώ. Convert the following flow chart into a paragraph of about 150 words. 2 3 8. . Complete a flowchart linking these three processes together from beginning to end of services to a patient. 1 0 obj
We saw a super computer, demonstration of many uses of computer and many interesting applications. potential flow is exactly analogous to the theory of potentials in electricity and magnetism. Individuals who achieve a flow state more regularly tend to pay closer attention to the details of their environment, seek out opportunities for action, set goals, monitor progress using feedback and set bigger challenges for themselves – Csikszentmihalyi (1990). fs�1�|:/�S�1 %PDF-1.7
Created: Feb 13, 2019. endobj
Algorithm and flowcharts helps to clarify all the steps for solving the problem. You can add more than one symbol to each step. qK��\�%��Ѿ"� b�Y�JPA$�
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How to draw a flowchart for problem solving. The process of making cement is described in this flow chart. Algorithm and flowchart are the powerful tools for learning programming. x��Y[O�H~���0Oȳ�L��KU��K(� T�>xS"�:NW��=3I�61�ΰ�H�e.>ߜ�̹��^^Lo�q����"�%_�Mw�=|�~%����Q�"E�DF2�'���(m��G�Vw�c�J4�m����!�
�i�ȡg�.5����h�����ݺ z�X,�wT�O�;���0@{�#4��L,;��&��Xy��z�;"�1�A Flowchart Exercises Solutions 1. A worksheet to get students thinking about creating flowcharts to solve specific problems. • A flowchart gives a step-by-step procedure for solution of a problem. endobj
10.3 USEFUL SPECIAL FUNCTIONS A function that is highly useful in the development of potential theory is the smooth version of the Heavyside-theta function h(x;!