Current licenses will expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on December 31, 2020.. This form is not for change of address or matters pertaining to the renewal of your registration. Learn more about renewing your consultant pharmacist license by reading our FAQ page for consultant pharmacists. Florida pharmacists who are renewing their license for the first time are required to take a 1 hour HIV/AIDS continuing educaiton course per for the Florida Board of Pharmacy. By submitting the appropriate renewal fees to the department, a licensee acknowledges compliance with all requirements for renewal… Elite offers convenient CE courses that meet Florida pharmacists continuing education requirements. Renewal applications generate approximately 60 days prior to the license’s expiration date. Licenses become Null & Void on December 1, 2021. License Renewal Requirements Here are the Florida Board of Pharmacy license renewal requirements for those who have renewed their license at least once. 26 general hours, 10 of these hours must be live: ACPE of Board Approved 2 hours: Medication Errors (Must Be Board Approved) 2 hours: Controlled Substances (Must Be Board Approved) First Biennium… Visit the Florida Board of Pharmacy license renewal page to learn more about your 2019 Florida license renewal requirements. A pharmacy may ONLY renew their license if the Board’s records indicate the license will expire within 60 days from today. 4 Mandatory Hours 26 Elective Hours 30 Total Hours Shop Courses. Florida Pharmacists Continuing Education Requirements And License Renewal. Request Copy of Last Application/Receipt Online Pharmacy Modifications. This Pharmacy licensing information … If this is your situation, look for a renewal application that you can download from the website and print, so you can fill it out and mail it to the board. Learn what's required for your Pharmacy license in Florida. The State of Florida's Online Resource for Pharmacists, Pharmacies, Pharmacy Interns and Pharmacy Technician Licensing, Renewals and Information - Florida Department of Health Home > pharmacy > Florida > REQUIREMENTS. In some circumstances you may not be able to renew your license online. Florida Pharmacy Association 610 N Adams St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 Phone: 850-222-2400 Fax: 850-561-6758 Consultant Pharmacist License Renewal We offer a variety of live and home study consultant pharmacist courses – approved by the Florida Board of Pharmacy – to meet your license renewal needs. However, if you want to renew your license online you'll need to find the application on the pharmacy board's website. Modify business activity from Retail Pharmacy to Retail Online Pharmacy For these matters call 1-800-882-9539; for change of address, use the Address Changes Form.