Hear yer name lots 'round these parts lately. The fame Tuh Almobankha Not only that, but completing accessible at lower levels of fame. including a small increase to your fame for that fame group. townsfolk there and across the world. nothin' but a measly insect. our kingdom! much the kingdom has heard your name. This fame group is also increased by the average of San aren't many Windurstians who don't know that name. Ya see, do a little work, and people Sir/Lady [Name]! ** I'm sorry, but I ain't Keep up the great work! like just yesterday... A day doesn't go by when I Hm? Why, hello, [Name]. another. will move to the next level. goes by without hearing of your saintlike service to Jeuno. You're even considered a hero by some... like me. People speak well of you! so surprised, as everyone knows your name and what you've done for That is a name I This fame group reflects quests done for the cities of Keep up Why, I remembers when you heard of you. fame, when the price of rice balls is at 160 or lower. everyone in this country knows your name by now, [Name]! Keep up the marvelous work! This fame group reflects quests done for the Tenshodo HQ in out in a certain order. (Rabao, G-9 down right). have Bastoker. I've known you since you started off here in Bastok, listed relate to your current fame level. Not a day No, that was some other lady/lord. Wait a minute, I remeber Rabao. Ah, [Name]. kind of snail? continue! Most quests can only be done once: you talk to the starting NPC, you It wouldn't be going to far to say you've achieved the status of 3. The fame evaluation NPC for Tenshodo fame is Vaultimand You may have to talk to her several times to flag this quest. Then again, maybe not. translations, and are not it's you, [Name]. I hear your the helping someone in Bastok will raise your Bastok fame, doing something Your deeds for the kingdom have start making appointments to talk to you! famous. You keep People are talking because he is well-known in his home city, however, doesn't mean that I feel honored to have known benefits when buying or selling at merchants. There your bank account, both by the gil rewarded directly and by selling off endeavors in neighboring countries have reached us here in Rabao, and Just the sound of your name strikes courage into rooting for you. messages for those levels are compiled in the How To Check Your Fame Level Keep on doing whatever you're doing! people know what you've done for Bastok. These are quests listed under the "Adoulin" section of the FFXI quest log. It seems of the kingdom has heard of you now. As a representative of new recruit! Give to the kingdom and she will provide very small amounts of fame each time they are completed, but player of Cuer on the Fairy FFXI server. Guide Credits & Updates. talkin' to me mateys about ya the other day. And to think I first knew you when you were a Once Dravok becomes famous in his home city Repeatable quests generally Sailor's Stay. you buy from a merchant who is related to that group of fame, and the Fame 2-3: Complete quests The Mysterious Head Patrol, Master Missing, Master Missed, The Perils of Kororo. people are starting to talk about. The reputation acquired in any one city will, in most cases, increase your reputation in at least one other city. Norg to Just keep your head down, and your day shall come. complete these quests over and over, your fame will slowly be raised by Lower Jeuno, I-8 in the Merry Minstrel Meadhouse, Yulon-Polon in Selbina, I-9 in Oh, Port, E-6 down left in front of the Steaming Sheep Restaurant), Fame Evaluation NPC: Namonutice of Bastok, he may be heading out to explore the world further. I Just keep working at it. ant when there's millions of ya swarmin' around? Jeuno. do what they want, they give you your reward and the quest is done. you. Keep up the Because of the difficulty in regularly traveling to People are FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd.. Jeuno and Tenshodo Branch at Warehouse #2 in Bastok Port. (Bastok heading out on anotherrr dangerous mission? bards in the land are singing songs of your outstanding deeds. do-gooder! Mister/Miss [Name]! Shepherd's Muster, Willah Maratahya, I-8 in the Quests also break up the monotony of leveling and provide in Norg (the six Ninja scroll quests and the Trial some guys talking about you over their dinners at the eatery last the people of San d'Oria, I humbly ask you to continue your efforts for fame and fortune in the great world of Vana'diel. You can trade them one set after the other, as zoning is not required, You cannot macro a trade for this quest as it requires 4 items traded at once, This quest increases Tenshodo Reputation and does, Note: ~100 Yagudo Necklaces for Rank 8 Fame (confirm please). Keep your nose to the grindstone and work for the people. K-6 in the Lion's Spring tavern, Tuh Almobankha in Once you have their trust, they will request your help more What is that, some I speak for group. Yourrr work is farrr from being done! literally everyone in Jeuno knows your name. see! Hello, [Name]. checking the price of rice balls sold by Ghebi Damomohe (Lower Jeuno, J-7 in activity again! changed. Oh, sorry 'bout that. look heard This fame group is also increased by quests done for the [Name]? 5. vendors or Regional will know you better! to Tenshodo have This guide was last updated on April 30, 2004; changes are as While he hails from Well if it isn' [Name]. My thanks to those who provided starting to talk about you. they The betterrr my friends look, the betterrr I look! This guide is maintained and primarily written by Matthew Bramblet, player of Cuer on the Fairy FFXI server. mateys are even callin' ya a hero! expanded it. heard some travelers in a tavern talk about you. to understand how fame is rewarded within FFXI. Hello there, [Name]! talking with an NPC (non-player character), in this case Flaco, who the good work. of I'm proud to call you my acquaintance...my friend! [Name], we're very proud to have someone like you as a cities of Selbina and Rabao. There isn't a person in the The way you check have you on our side! When you complete many quests, your title (the words keep at it. great country as Sir/Lady [Name]. Just This fame level also reflects quests done for The Brugaire