Part 1 of 2 - A Preview. FCNL, nor I, nor you need to retreat into guilt and shame over our history. What we all do need, however, is to follow FCNL’s example and be willing to be humbled by the revelations of the reality of the personal and structural racism that permeates our American culture. A persistent theme of speakers at this year’s annual meeting was the recognition of the complexity and vulnerability of this historical moment: political turmoil, racist reckoning, bloated military spending, a major pandemic with its devastating economic impact, a climate crisis, and an impatient population desperate for assurances that there is some foreseeable relief from all the stress. We strongly encourage each registrant to use a unique email address to avoid technical difficulties. I end with a reminder of the gratitude for the opportunities, in the spirit of truth and reconciliation, that challenge and call us in the coming weeks, months, and years. I so profoundly believe that FCNL, and all other faithful communities’ advocacy for peace and justice, is at the very heart of maintaining the democratic experiment. Susan and other members of the Memphis FCNL Advocacy Team have emerged from the November 2020 Annual Meeting of FCNL newly energized. Click here to watch presentations from this event. Our efforts to lobby our elected officials are part of our call to speak “truth to power” as we build toward a just and peaceable Beloved Community. Even then, of course, we will need to support and implement the structurally required adaptations we must make.Â. Let’s All Catch ‘Hollanditis’! To learn how to use the form, click here to view a short video. Each year, Quakers and friends from across the country gather at FCNL’s Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute to engage in worship, listening, and advocacy for a more just and peaceful world. For most of the past twenty-five years I have attended their annual meeting in D.C., and I joined the 2020 event online from home where gathered for four days of worship, organizational meetings, and to virtually lobby of our elected officials. Work with Peace and Social Concerns Committee to maintain a current list of Meeting contact people. Fierce Love: Annual Meeting 2020 More than 800 Quakers and friends from across the country gathered virtually to engage in worship, listening, and advocacy as we lobbied together for strong action to address the crisis of racism, policy brutality, and the militarization of police! For example, this year the FCNL annual meeting theme urged us to focus “fierce love” on our effort to address our own and our nation’s racism. FCNL is a lobbying organization and as such is not tax-deductible. More importantly, we know the government is not going to solve our problems alone. FCNL Annual Meeting 2016 November 10-13, 2016 in Washington, DC. FCNL will hold their annual meeting in Washington, DC, November 14-17. Save the Date: March 20 - 23, 2021. Annual Meeting & Quaker Public Policy Institute 2017. I encourage each of us to take advantage of the opportunities our democratic system provides, broken and vulnerable as it is. This included breakfast with … Save the Dates: November 18-21, 2021; November 17-20, 2022 And watching the summary video, you'll see why. On Monday and Tuesday we lobbied Congress to begin to address the crisis of police violence by advancing the Justice in Policing Act(H.R.7120/S.3912). We have tried to honor our commitment to racial equality based on our belief of “that of God in all persons.” But when we have dismantled our more factual history, we have become soberingly aware of our shameful, hypocritical, unrecognized or denied, historical involvement in the slave trade and slave ownership. Annual Meeting 2018, Learn. Read more If you must register more than one person with the same email address, please notify Issues: U.S. Wars & Militarism. Please register one person at a time on this form. If you plan to attend and have not yet registered, please register in-person at the FCNL desk at the Washington Court Hotel. Changing Hearts As Well As Minds. District of Columbia Meetings. FCNL Annual Meeting Friends Committee on National Legislation April 2020 In November, Friends Committee on National Legislation’s (FCNL) General Committee approved an updated statement of legislative policy. This will require us to assume a lens of anti-racism in our relational, financial, personal, and work lives. Each year, Quakers and friends from across the country gather at FCNL’s Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute to engage in worship, listening, and advocacy for a more just and peaceful world. With further honest reflecting, we have recognized that Friends in the U.S. are predominantly a white organization with presumptions of European-based righteousness. If you have questions or run into any issues, email Justin Hurdle at Powerful. This event has passed. Please fill out this form to give our lobbyists more information about your meeting with your congressional office. Most Quakers have congratulated ourselves that we have led historically in the abolition of slavery and various anti-racism campaigns over the years. Annual Meeting Lobby Report Thank you for lobbying with FCNL! Washington, DC – Two members of Congress will be honored during the Annual Meeting of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) November 14-17. 245 Second St, NE, Washington, DC 20002 We have established ethical standards that support us when all else seems so uncertain and vulnerable. Annual Meeting 2016 FCNL's Annual Meeting will be held on November 10-13, 2016 in Washington, DC. By Heather Brandon-Smith. We must be transformed into an awareness that we can, and will, counter our past racism by personal accountability. Quakers and Friends are changing public policy. FCNL's Annual Meeting and Lobby Day: 11/12-13/2015 They're working all the time to help our voices be heard on Capitol Hill, but they need our help. I am personally very dedicated to the national Quaker lobby organization, the Friends Committee on National Legislation. As such we are faced with acknowledging how easy it is for us to assume a “white supremacy” and to deny our latent racism. Our efforts to lobby our elected officials are part of our call to speak “truth to power” as we build toward a just and peaceable Beloved Community. This will require us to assume a lens of anti-racism in our relational, financial, personal, and work lives. FCNL Trip Report. This form is only to report interactions with members of Congress. Visit for more details. Thank you for lobbying with FCNL! The Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute is happening November 12-15, 2015. At this 2017 FCNL Annual Meeting we were filled with gratitude to be able to celebrate the end of our the very successful Capital Campaign which was supported by so many SEYM Friends and friends! FCNL represents our faith community’s effort to take our faith into the public policy arena. Registration is now closed for FCNL's Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute. The expectation of a new administration may promise relief and direction away from the regressions and harm of the current administration, but we also know the solutions to our monumental problems will not come easy or cheap.