d) greater occipital d) Fracture parietal bone For a client complaining of periocular aching after a surgical repair of a detached retina, which medication would be the most appropriate analgesic? Ans: b, 82.Scantly, purulent offensive discharge from the ear is due to b) ScalaTympanum d) All of the above c) cochlea Ans: d, 10.Pulsatile otorrhea seen in a) Immediate exploration Please wait while the activity loads. Ans: a, 18.Hyposthesia of the posterior aspect of the external auditory canal may be an early sign of c) Caused by streptococcus Ans: c, 44.Blue drum is seen in a) right side Ans: a, 29.The aost mobile part at the tympanic membrane d) none of the above Serous otitis media is manifested by a plugged feeling in the ear, reverberation of the client’s own voice, and hearing loss. Recent motor vehicle crash while changing lanes. C. “I will call my physician if I have sharp and sudden pain or a fever after surgery.” d) Injury to facial nerve Nurse Errol is administering 2 drops of medication in OS prior to ophthalmic surgery. B. Codeine Aling Martha, a 73-year-old widow, tells to the nurse during the admission process that she was recently diagnosed with age-related hearing loss. The nurse concludes that the client needs further understanding about the teachings if he says: "I will sleep on my left side after the surgery. Ans: a, 25.The syndrome of sensorineural hearing loss together with hereditary nephritis is The commonest extra cranial complication following mastoidectomy includes b) Mastoid surgery The Kobrak test is used for: a) ASOM He indicates he does not have difficulty seeing objects on either side but does state that straight lines appear distorted or wavy. Gauge your performance by counter checking your answers to those below. Sterile gloves, mask, plastic bags, and gown, Double gloves, goggles, mask, and surgical cap. a) scala media B. Supine with a small pillow Answer: D. Plugged feeling in the ear and reverberation of the client’s own voice. The term presbycusis refers to sensorineural hearing impairment in elderly individuals. a) Otosclerosis c) Facial nerve palsy Ans: c, 31.In blast injury most common organ affected b) 2years This class is designed to help the student prepare for the State of Michigan Mechanical Contractors Exam. c) 330cand21°c ", "I will bend below my waist frequently to increase circulation after surgery.". c) only antibiotics It does not matter what the client is choking on. Ans: c, 100.Multiple perforations of Tympanic membrane Being involved in a motor vehicle crash while changing lanes suggests the disorder. d) otorrhoea It is also unnecessary to double glove. c) Bacteria Mang Isko, a 68-year-old widower, has been stricken with cataracts about year ago. a) Middle ear disease Instructing the client on the correct way to remove impacted cerumen, Speaking slowly and distinctly in a low-pitched, clear voice without yelling, Providing a safe, quiet, dimly lit environment with enforced bed rest, Instructing the client to pull the top of the ear and back to instill eardrops. While inserting a nasogastric tube, the nurse should use which of the following protective measures? d) Changes in audiometry Professor Mcgonagall had undergone nasal surgery with posterior packing in place, which assessment data would alert the nurse to the possibility of active bleeding? d) Mastoiditis a) 7mm Answer: A. Home » ENT MCQs » 300+ TOP ENT Objective Questions and Answers, 1.Caloric test has Leaving the client alone to clear his throat. d) Infratemporal region d) tympanoplasty Ménière’s disease is characterized by sudden, severe episodes of vertigo during which the client has a sensation of spinning. Here are the answers for this exam. Recent motor vehicle crash while changing lanes, Complaints of headaches, nausea, and redness of the eyes, Increasingly frequent episodes of double vision. B. Compressing the nares to the septum for 5 to 10 minutes It occurs in “dry” and “wet” forms. c) wax impacted ear He wants to guide the next generation of nurses to achieve their goals and empower the nursing profession. A. b) Sternomastoid muscle B. Ans: e, 19.Pulsatile tinnitus in ear is due to The nurse suspects which of the following disorders that is consistent with the client’s reported symptoms? Ans: d, 65. d) mixed Typically, the client with chronic open-angle glaucoma experiences a gradual loss in peripheral vision leading to tunnel vision. d) electrical nerve stimulation “I will be totally deaf in my left ear, but the dizziness will be gone.” Protein intake should have no relation to Ménière’s disease, but hypoproteinemia may aggravate edema. d) Lusterless tympanic membrane Ans: d, 48.Acoustic neuroma commonly affects the cranial nerve D. Low-protein. Calling for help immediately D. Encouraging warm saline throat gargles. c) Meningitis Pain over the sinus area and purulent nasal secretions c) Slow + Fast components a) V and VII nerves Ans: a, 90.Commonest complication in CSOM is d) foreign body ", "I will call my physician if I have sharp and sudden pain or a fever after surgery. b) parietal lobe 17. b) Mastoid antrum a) TB otitis media c) Floor of the middle ear d) notch of Rivinus Which intervention would be included in the care plan for the client with an acute exacerbation of Ménière’s disease? b) Cerebellar abscess Ans: b, 13.Common cause of facial palsy is b) no infection in the sinuses a) abducent nerve palsy Monoaural diplacusis is present in a lesion of b) Larger than bony portion A labyrinthectomy is the most radical procedure for Ménière’s disease. b) auricular branch of vagus b) epidural abscess Ans: c, 52. b) Basal turns of helix Which intervention should the nurse implement first for the client? Pain over the sinus area and purulent nasal secretions would be evident with sinusitis. Bright red, bulging or retracted tympanic membrane and fever. C. Gloves, gown, mask, and goggles C. Applying an ice collar to the neck area Which assessment data would cause the nurse to suspect serous otitis media? c) Eustachian tube c) ASOM The nurse suspects which of the following disorders that is consistent with the client’s reported symptoms? b)2000Hz The nurse therefore applies pressure to the inner canthus, causing occlusion of this canal and minimizing the risk for systemic adverse effects. 3.Gradenigo’s syndrome does not consist of a) abducent nerve palsy b) Retro orbital pain c) aural discharge Seeing flashes of lights and floaters b) flamingo pink b) perceptive deafness A. a) eardrum a) cochlear deafness c) 7tb d) Medial wall of the ear Anxiety is common because of the necessity to breathe through the mouth. Clinical Examination A comprehensive collection of clinical examination OSCE guides that include step-by-step images of key steps, … a) Maxillary sinus All questions are given in a single page and correct answers, rationales or explanations (if any) are immediately shown after you have selected an answer. b) costens syndrome