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The second edition of Clinical Manual of Emergency Psychiatry is designed to help medical students, residents, and clinical faculty chart an appropriate course of treatment in a setting where an incorrect assessment can have life-or-death implications. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Uses acronyms and memory aids to enhance recall of information in moments of crisis. Categories. This timely and comprehensive revision of Clinical Manual of Emergency Psychiatry is designed for attending physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students who staff the front lines of the psychiatric emergency department. Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior . The emergency room is a team effort and Big Book of Emergency Department Psychiatry includes the perspectives of its members: psychiatrist, nurse, social worker and non-psychiatric emergency doctor. Cambridge Core - Psychiatry - Emergency Psychiatry - edited by Arjun Chanmugam David W Preven, MD. Emergency Psychiatry (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover)) Arjun Chanmugam MD. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Clinical Professor . 1 2 3 … 9 Next. Paperback. 5.0 out of 5 stars 4. I wish I could have had this book at my side then! Hardcover . Big Book of Emergency Department Psychiatry: A Guide to Patient Centered Operational Improvement Yener Balan.