Therefore, the Eb major scale would go, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb. Relevance. Major Half Scales in Eighth Notes for the Clarinet & & & & & & & œ#œ#œœœœ#œ#œ ˙ œœœbœœbœœœ ˙ #œ#œ#œœ#œœ#œ#œ#˙ œœœœ œœœ ˙ bœbœœ bbœ œœbœb˙ œœ#œ œ#œœ ˙ bœœbœœbœ œœb˙ œ#œ #œ#œœ#œ ˙ œ œœœœœ œ˙ #œ ##œ#œ#œ#œ#œ #˙ œ#œœœœ#œœ ˙ bœœœbœbœbœœœb˙ œ#œ#œœœœ#œ#œ ˙ œœœbœœbœœœ ˙ #œ#œ#œœ#œœ#œ 1 decade ago. Start studying 12 MAJOR SCALES - clarinet. Ab major would go Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, G, Ab. We also recommend you follow along with the Ab major scale below so you learn how to read these notes on the staff: Answer Save. Or CONCERT Eb? Lv 5. Welcome back to our series on clarinet scales! The Solution below shows the Eb major scale notes, intervals and scale degrees on the piano, treble clef and bass clef.. Update: It is CONCERT E flat scale. pattern: 1, flat 3, 4, sharp 4, 5, flat 7 and 8 C blues: C, E♭, F, F♯, G, B♭, C use the pattern with any major scale to figure out the blues scale 1 Answer. The Lesson steps then explain how to identify the E-flat major scale note interval positions, choose the note names and scale degree names.. For a quick summary of this topic, have a look at Major scale. I hope you know the fingering for those notes on a Clarinet because it's too hard to describe them in writing. Does any one know where i can find the E flat 3 octave scale for clarinets??? E-flat major scale. Also, I hope you mean, Eb and Ab on a clarinet. Lady Prism. Is this really Eb for clarinet? Favorite Answer. C (Bb Concert) Bb Clarinet 12 Major Scales F (Eb Concert) Bb (Ab Concert) Eb (Db Concert) Ab (Gb Concert) Db (Cb/B Concert) Gb (E Concert) B (A Concert) E (D Concert) A (G Concert) In this video, Ana will teach out how to play the Ab major scale on clarinet. All major scales should go, whole whole half whole whole whole half. For a real Eb scale, the notes are Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb, repeated 3 times... the problem is that it goes into the STRATOSPHERE! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.