Electricity Emissions Factors v1.0 – August 2018 Page 5 www.carbonfootprint.com August 2018 State Grid Factor (kgCO 2e per kWh) Year North Carolina (NC) SERC - Virginia/Carolinas 0.3840 2016 North Dakota (ND) MRO-West 0.5912 2016 Nebraska (NE) MRO-West 0.5912 2016 New Hampshire (NH) NPCC - New England 0.2672 2016 New Jersey (NJ) RFC - East 0.3612 2016 if a power station with an efficiency of 34 % burns coal, it emits 1.0 kg carbon dioxide for generating one kilowatt hour of electricity. Data are expressed in TWh and kWh and are presented from 1960 onwards. To date, power generation remains the largest GHG-emitting sector in Europe. CO 2 Implications of Electricity Generation. This varies substantially by form of generation and by the mix of forms of generation on a grid. Germany's exports of electricity continue to be higher than its imports. This dataset comprises statistics on emissions of electricity per kWh and heat output generated from main autoproducers, autoproducers plants, CHP plants. If fuels are used for electricity generation, carbon dioxide emissions increase with the reciprocal of the power plant efficiency. The carbon intensity of electricity is a measure of how much CO 2 emissions are produced per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed. 1 MW is 1 MJ/sec. A 39% efficient thermal plant requires 2.564 MJ/sec to drive a 1 MW electrical generator. That is 279 grams per kilowatt hour, or 36 percent, less than in 1990. Updated November 2016. E.g. The amount and kinds of energy inputs to the nuclear fuel cycle has implications for carbon dioxide emissions. The 'forecast' value (blue line) is our forecast. 2019 Grid Electricity Emissions Factors v1.0 – June 2019 www.carbonfootprint.com 5 State Grid Generation Factor (kgCO 2 e per kWh) T&D Factor (kgCO 2 e per kWh) Year UNITED STATES 0.45548 0.0213 2016 (published 2018) Florida (FL) FRCC - All 0.4667 0.0219 2016 Georgia (GA) SERC - South 0.4570 0.0215 2016 Life-cycle analysis, focused on energy, is useful for comparing net energy yields from different methods of electricity generation. Germany's average emissions in 2017 were 485 grams of carbon dioxide as direct emissions for the generation of one kilowatt hour of electricity for final consumption. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is by far the most commonly-emitted GHG across the sector, being a product of combustion processes. This means that you can work out the total emissions generated from your electricity usage quite easily. On average, electricity sources emit 0.947 lbs CO2 per kWh. The 'actual' value (grey line) is the estimated carbon intensity from metered generation. Electricity generation gives rise to negative impacts on the environment and human health throughout all stages of its life-cycle. Emissions factors for electricity by your monthly bill are based on state based figures from the EPA eGRID to get the state-by-state prices for energy, and the emissions factors are generated from the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. 1 kWh of electricity, when produced from a coal burning power plant, will generate 0.94 kg (or 2.07 lbs) of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere according to CNCF.. English.