One, two, three, or four of the oxygen atoms in each silicate anion group may bind to other silicate tetrahedra in this way. An outline classification of the silicate minerals {eI (f) Figure 6. This anion group is composed of one silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms, which occupy the apices of a regular tetrahedron. Approximately 30% of all minerals are silicates and some geologists estimate that 90% of the Earth's crust is made up of silicates. The bond which holds the silicon and oxygen atoms together within the silicate radical is partially ionic and partially covalent. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: On the basis of number and arrangement of tetrahedral and octahedral sheets, silicate clays are classified into 3-different groups: 1. Ortho silicates (or Nesosilicates) Pyro silicate (or Sorosilicates) TYPES & CLASSIFICATION OF SILICATES. A metamorphic rock mainly composed of calc-silicate minerals, such as diopside, grossular-andradite, clinozoisite-epidote and wollastonite, and containing less than 5% vol. Silicates are the minerals containing silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral SiO 4 4-units, which are linked together in several patterns. The Silicates are the largest, the most interesting, and the most complicated class of minerals by far. As you read through the tables, you can click on the images of minerals to see a larger version of the photo. 1. The fundamental constituent of the minerals of the silicate class is the silicate radical (SiO4)4-. of carbonate minerals (usually dolomite or calcite). Each oxygen atom within a silicate radical may bond with another silicon ion, becoming part of a second silicate radical and linking the two radicals together. Most minerals in the earth’s crust and mantle are silicate minerals. Minerals can be classified as either silicate - that is, containing silicon and oxygen - or non-silicate - that is, lacking silicon. Non-Silicate Minerals. 1:1 Type Clay Minerals 2. Mineral Classification Tables. Table 1. Depending on the way the tetrahedral units are linked, the silicates are classified into the following types. In tables 1–3, hardness is measured on Mohs Hardness Scale. The basic constituent of the minerals of the silicate class is the silicate radical (SiO 4) 4-. The basic constituent of the minerals of the silicate class is the silicate radical (SiO 4) 4-. Each oxygen atom within a silicate radical may bond with another silicon ion, becoming part of a second silicate radical and linking the two radicals together. 2:1 Type Minerals 3. With oxygen and silicon the two most abundant elements in the earth's crust, the abundance of silicates is no real surprise. 2: 1:1 Type Minerals. Classification of Silicate Clays | Soil Science. One, two, three, or four of the oxygen atoms in each silicate anion group may