Anti-acne Agents (1) Anti-aging Agents (1) Anti-inflammatories (2) Anti-redness / Anti-couperose Agents (1) The very best to choose from for your skin concerns. Men Care: No Poo Beard Cleanser by HDS-Chemie (STOCKMEIER Group), This No Poo Beard Cleanser is designed for men. You may find this ingredient in OTC products such as bath oil, facial moisturizer, shampoo/conditioner, exfoliant/scrub, shaving cream and masks. Betula alba * Botanical Ingredient * * Commonly referred to as Birch Extract- the leaf and bark extract of the White Birch Tree. With regards to skincare, it's often administered as a natural medicinal treatment because it helps facilitate the excretion of fluids and promote metabolic activity. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. It features: Most people use it in one of four ways: As an infusion, decoction, extract or tincture. Current research testing its anti-tumor abilities seems promising, though further studies are needed to test its safety with humans. In fact, one of the plant's chemical components, Betullinic Acid, is currently being tested as a promising cancer treatment. The shoots and leaves of the plant have been shown to act as a laxative and diuretic, and many consume it orally to treat their gout, rheumatism and kidney stones. * Commonly referred to as Birch Extract- the leaf and bark extract of the White Birch Tree. Cancer . Official CosIng Information. Some researchers believe that it has the ability to destroy tumor cells and slow the growth of both HIV and melanoma. Sometimes, the leaves and bark of the tree are directly applied to the skin. Helpful how-tos and reviews from Marta and friends. Pdf The Medical Importance Of Betula Alba An Overview Known for its skin healing and purifying properties, yet it also functions as an astringent. Safety Measures/Side Effects: While the plant's leaves and bark have played a vital role in folk medicine for centuries, both its effectiveness and safety have yet to be adequetely tested. The shoots and leaves of the plant have been shown to act as a laxative and diuretic, and many consume it orally to treat their gout, rheumatism and kidney stones. Some researchers believe that it has the ability to destroy tumor cells and slow the growth of both HIV and melanoma. Inspiring thoughts and women who are aging gracefully. In addition, because Birch extract resembles the chemical composition of aspirin, people with aspirin allergies should avoid this ingredient, as should individuals with poor heart and kidney health. Functions: Known for its skin healing and purifying properties, yet it also functions as an astringent. 11 Cosmetics Ingredients containing BETULA ALBA BARK EXTRACT. Category. It's usually infused into tea to help fight against the body's internal ailments. What-it-does: antioxidant, soothing, perfuming, astringent. Search by keywords . Because this ingredient can act as an astringent, there's a potential risk of dermal irritation, especially with sensitive and dry skin types. Also-called-like-this: Birch Bark Extract. Anti-acne Agents (1) Anti-aging Agents (2) Anti-dandruff Agents (2) Anti-inflammatories (4) masuzi April 10, 2020 Uncategorized 0. Betula Alba Bark Extract goodie. Free shipping on all domestic orders over $49, The honest truth about beauty & personal care products. BETUAL ALBA LEAF EXTRACT, BETULA ALBA (BIRCH) LEAF EXTRACT, BETULA VERRUCOSA LEAF EXTRACT, BIRCH (BETULA ALBA) LEAF EXTRACT, BIRCH LEAF EXTRACT, EXTRACT OF BETULA ALBA LEAF, and EXTRACT OF BIRCH LEAF. In cosmetic products, it most commonly appears in the form of an extract, and its oils are often used as a substitute for wintergreen. Its anti-inflammatory and skin soothing abilities are often used to treat eczema, psoriasis and warts. In fact, one of the plant's chemical components, Betullinic Acid, is currently being tested as a promising cancer treatment. Since it conatins vitamins B1, B2, A, C and E, it is also believed to work as an antioxidant. Details. Earn Rewards, get samples, Sign up and SAVE today, Red Flower Arctic Berry Cloud Milk Cream- reader reviewed and recommended. 12 Cosmetics Ingredients containing BETULA ALBA LEAF EXTRACT. view more, Hair care (Shampoos, Conditioners & Styling), Skin care (Facial care, Facial cleansing, Body care, Baby care), Sun care (Sun protection, After-sun & Self-tanning), Hair Growth Promoters Anti hair Loss Agents, Betula Alba Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of the Birch, Betula alba L., Betulaceae. As a decoction (mashing the leaves & bark and boiling them in water to extract its herbal oils), it's often added to a bath wash to help treat chronic skin eruptions. Biovitrient 124™, a rich blend of plant extracts reaching the hair follicles in the skin via the blood stream and offers a... Known for its skin healing and purifying properties, yet it also functions as an astringent. Betula Alba Bark Extract is the extract of the bark of the Birch, Betula alba L., Betulaceae 11. Betula Alba Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of the Birch, Betula alba L., Betulaceae 12. The TIA community consists of our trusted reviewers. * Botanical Ingredient * It's the extract from the silver-white bark of the Birch tree that grows on moors in North and Middle Europe and in … Betula Alba Leaf Extract Noael. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Lastly, because we're not yet aware of this ingredient's full range of effects on humans, experts recommend that it's not used by pregnant women, breast-feeding women or children. Category. Cancer: Ingredients linked to cancer in government, industry or academic studies or assessments. Search by keywords . Medical importance of betula alba betula pendula leaf extract betula pendula leaf extract pdf phytochemical constituents and. * Botanical Ingredient * * Commonly referred to as Birch Extract- the leaf and bark extract of the White Birch Tree. Individuals also apply decoctions to the scalp to combat hair loss and dandruff.