Recent Comments. Downloading Decks Guide; Most Viewed Decks; Tournament Decks; High Quality Decks; Casual Decks… Deck Search . More on YGOPRODeck. Top 10 Best Competitive Yugioh Decks Ryan McKenna. Average deck price: $30/£22 . Diesmal geht es um einen ganz besonderen Beitrag für euch. The last duelist I had to face wielded an actual meta deck, one that would perform well in a national tournament. All mine decks are well tested and optimized in terms of draw power, dead hand, synergy. July 10, 2018. Please check my other decks. Roninkröte ist eine der besten Karten aus Yugioh. Decks. Download and Share Yu-Gi-Oh! To post a comment, please login or register a new account. You will not regret. So many combos can be made with this archetype with a ton of potential drawing power, Flower Cardian’s are seriously underrated. Recommended deck list. Updated for March 2019 . 1,160 0 Rail Kaboon Structure Deck. Blue-Eyes Meta Deck 2020 , New Rules … The best decks of Duel Links: latest top tier, kog and tournament decks filterable by deck type or skill. Latest: Court Room Trial Justice Deck; Sector Security Speed Duel Character Deck; 108 Stars of Destiny; Faker deck,Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon,Number 53: Heart-ea; Synchro Combo for Any Deck; YGOPRODECK. All this to give you the best possible version of selected deck. Thunder Dragon. 4,660 3 Buster Blader/Archfiend Dragon. Dieser Yugioh Artikel handelt nämlich von den Top 10 Meta Decks, die dieses Jahr die Meisterschaften dominieren.. Es ist einfach nur krank, was es in letzter Zeit für Spielzüge mit diesen 10 Decks gibt. 2 . balance & combo. Willkommen zurück Duellanten! Submit a Deck. Sie kann als spezialbeschwörung von Friedhof beschworen werden, indem du 1 "Frosch"-Monster von deinem Friedhof verbannst. Raccoon. A list of OTK Yu-Gi-Oh! Compete on the highest PvP level with these decks. Most Popular Decks – 30 Days. For those who enjoy a really, really fun deck with cute monsters and good combo pieces, Raccoons are excellent. Yugioh Top Decks Youtube ==> Decks vs All Meta | Side Deck | Combos HERE Something nice for everyone will be found. Decks. decks. 2,460 1 Danger! My first local tournament went very well, I was undefeated until I got to the final round.