This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 10 messages.). As a general rule, the first teeth to erupt are the two in the front bottom. 10 – 16 months old: The final incisors to erupt are usually the lower lateral incisors. DD was 16 months old before she got her first tooth.DS1 was 9 months months - it was a shock as we were expecting late teeth from him too! BUT at 11 months of age, there are still no reasons for concern at all even if your baby has no teeth! There are various medical conditions that can cause delayed tooth eruption but most of them have other quite significant signs so it's unlikely you'd be unaware by now. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. American Dental Association. Late teething. i hope this is true, although your comments about cutting the gums has made me worry again. AAP. Read more about caring for your baby's gums and teeth. In reality, the majority of the cases where babies being “late” with something, there is nothing wrong at all, they are just following their individual development path and it is we as parents that do way too much comparing with the neighbors’ kids, older siblings, or averages. Toddlers as young as 18 months are having rotting teeth pulled out, and in some cases older children are having all of their baby teeth removed in major operations, dentists say. Worried - No teeth for 16 months old : Hi moms, I am posting this on behalf of a friend.Her son just completed 16th month. 2015. I am planning to ask about it at her 1 year check but after reading up online, I don't think it is a huge concern. Kids with no teeth by the age of 18 months should be taken to see a dentist, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). DD didn't get teeth until gone 13 months. Teething tots. In rare cases, a baby is born with a first tooth. When they did come in they didn't come in the 'normal' order. They asked her to wait till 18 months. This usually happens between 10 – 16 months old. My fourth child and first daughter still has no teeth and she's now 16 months and a week old. We've had all the teething symptoms for months but no sign of anything breaking through, bless him. Teething: 4 to 7 months. Did mean she lost her teeth later than average too - didn't lose first tooth until she was 7y and has finished y2. When the first few teeth, also known as baby teeth, milk teeth, or deciduous teeth, appear, your baby is said to be teething. Source: Canadian Dental Association. Stage 1: 4-16 months – 8 front baby teeth (incisors) – The first teeth to erupt. It's not actually considered abnormal until 18 months. Between 20 and 31 months. 2014. DD didn't get teeth until gone 13 months. It's perfectly normal for your baby's first tooth to show up at 3 months – or after his first birthday. Undated. Like you i have been very worried, but keep being told not too worry, some babies just get them late and they will be stronger.,,,,, All pregnancy, parenting, and birth videos >. He is active and doing good in other areas. Between 12 and 18 months. Is it normal that my baby isn't crawling? Here's a schedule of when teeth start to appear and when baby teeth begin falling out to make way for permanent ones. I'm bumping this for you as a friends DS turned 1 last month and hasn't any teeth yes. These are typical activities among babies this age, but they're not necessarily signs that a tooth is coming in. Four to 15 months of age is the normal range for the appearance of the first tooth, and the other teeth usually follow in a regular schedule. If the child has no other issues and developing normally, then it is more likely to be just one of those things. Is it true that babies who skip the crawling stage may have learning problems later? But I am!! Worried - No teeth for 16 months old : Hi moms, I am posting this on behalf of a friend.Her son just completed 16th month. There are more on the way that we can see bulging under his gums though. Dentist had a look and did an x ray when she was about 18 months but there was no problem. DS 2 is severely disabled and developmentally delayed. These are called the lower central incisors. None of the other children were late teethers. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet.