Shoulder Flexion with Weight. Pull your shoulder back on your affected side and lift your arm in front of you as high as you can. Slowly lower your body by flexing at the elbows until your arm at forearm create a 90-degree angle. At-home arm workouts can be done with or without weights to achieve a strong upper body. You can do cardio, wall push-ups, plank, plank rotation, arm circles, tricep dips , plank ups, and downs, etc. Lateral raises are a great isolation exercise for arm and shoulder workouts. Lock your elbows and raise the weights together until horizontal, then slowly lower them back down. Stand or sit straight with your chin tucked in, arms at your side, and a weight in the hand of your affected side. These 21 exercises can be done with dumbbells, without equipment, or with resistance bands. What size you should use will depend on your fitness level. Around the World. Extend your legs out in front of you. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat. Go for a weight that is not too easy and a tad challenging for maximum effect. Here’s how to keep your arms and shoulders toned while you're cooped up at home. Tighten abs, and exhale, pressing away from the floor, lifting upper body off the ground with left arm. By focusing on primary using your deltoid muscles your shoulders muscles will “popping” out in no time! Use your body weight to activate your arm muscles and burn calories. Bend left elbow and lower body back to the floor, but only until right shoulder lightly touches the ground. Press back up. This shoulder workout for women requires the use of a dumbbell. Losing arm fat without weights is a great option for people with busy schedules. Bend right arm under left armpit and grab the outside of left shoulder with right hand. 12 Shoulder Workouts for Women: Back and Shoulder Exercises at Home 1. An arm and shoulder workout you can do at home Who needs a gym when you have canned goods and water bottles? Grab it with both hands at shoulder-width. Grab two light dumbbells and hold each by your side.